First Aid


First aid is an important skill that everyone should possess, regardless of age. By introducing first aid principles and practices to your students, you will foster a sense of responsibility, empathy, and the ability to provide assistance in times of need.



First aid is the initial assistance or care provided to someone who has been injured or suddenly falls ill. It is aimed at preserving life, preventing the condition from worsening, and promoting recovery until professional medical help arrives. Learning first aid basics will equip students with the knowledge and skills to effectively respond to emergency situations, ensuring the well-being and safety of themselves and others.


The Poster introduces students to fundamental first-aid principles and practices suitable for their class levels. They will learn how to recognise common injuries and illnesses, understand the importance of staying calm in emergencies, and develop the skills to respond appropriately. The poster will cover topics such as basic wound care, recognising and responding to choking incidents, managing minor burns, understanding the recovery position, and knowing how to call for emergency help.


To enhance the learning experience, you may consider involving local health professionals or inviting guest speakers to share their expertise on first aid. This will not only provide valuable insights but also encourage students to see the importance of these skills in their everyday lives.


The teacher can help students enact each incident that requires first aid and practice the procedures shown in the poster.


Providing Help in a First Aid Situation


It is essential to recognize our self-confidence and evaluate our capacity to perform an emergency. Some situations will require us to activate the emergency network to seek help. This could be by calling an adult or a professional emergency or rescue worker. It is essential to be clear and concise to help others understand the situation.


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