


Student Workbook 1

Teacher Guide 1

Cahier d'exercices de l'élève 1

Guide pour les enseignants 1

Student Workbook 2

Teacher Guide 2

Cahier d'exercices de l'élève 2

Guide pour les enseignants 2

Student Workbook 3

Teacher Guide 3

Cahier d'exercices de l'élève 3

Guide pour les enseignants 3

Student Workbook 4

Teacher Guide 4

Cahier d'exercices de l'élève 4

Guide pour les enseignants 4

Student Workbook 5

Teacher Guide 5

Cahier d'exercices de l'élève 5

Guide pour les enseignants 5

Student Workbook 6

Teacher Guide 6

Cahier d'exercices de l'élève 6

Guide pour les enseignants 6

Our Math Curriculum: An Innovative Approach


At STEPS, we reimagine Math education with a vision to foster lifelong learning and unlock potential in every student. Our Math curriculum is meticulously designed, embracing innovative pedagogy and technology to transform traditional classrooms into vibrant learning environments.


Our curriculum isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; rather, it embraces the unique needs of each country we serve. 


In Cameroon, we recognize the need for richer Math resources and enhanced teachers’ content knowledge. To meet this demand, we’re implementing the STEPS Math curriculum on a larger scale across the existing STEPS schools. Additionally, we’re proposing a Train-the-Trainer (ToT) certificate program for leading teachers, focused on promoting continuous professional development and ensuring high-quality Math instruction.


In Benin and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, our primary goal is to augment the existing Math initiatives with the STEPS approach. We’re integrating specific STEPS lessons on challenging topics, aiming to reinforce student understanding and foster effective learning. The STEPS Math materials will be offered in a flexible format, including complete textbooks, modules, and single lessons that can complement existing curricula.


In an effort to transcend linguistic boundaries and to maximize our reach, all our Math ToT programs and materials are adapted for a Francophone context and translated into French. We’re committed to making these resources available online, enabling learners and educators worldwide to benefit from our innovative approach.


The path forward also includes the development of a ToT program focusing on promoting gender sensitivity across all three countries. We believe in the power of inclusive education and strive to break down barriers to equal learning opportunities.


Our commitment is unwavering – to instill a love for Math, empower educators, and enrich the educational landscape, inspiring students worldwide to reach for the stars.


Join us as we redefine Math education, one step at a time.